

Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 am to 2 pm

We’ll explore the long history of printmaking and its impact on art and information sharing, and look at unique works that modern artists craft using ancient printing methods. In this art-oriented class, we’ll make our prints using linoleum cutting (younger siblings will have a simpler printing project that does not entail using sharp tools).

Joining us for this class will be Yun Zaw, a student at Sterling college who will share her work and what inspires her subjects. Be prepared to be inspired yourself while meeting this working printmaker!

$12 per child

Ages 9 and up with younger and older siblings welcome.


Learn more & Register for our Family Enrichment Programs

January 25, 2025 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Grammar School, The Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village 1-802-754-2022 1-802-754-2022