Town History From the Vermont Historical Gazetteer, edited by Abby Maria Hemenway. Orleans County – Glover Chapter: By Rev. Sidney K....
Derby Town Facts: Granted to Timothy Andrews in 1779 Named after Derby, Connecticut Contains four lakes,...
Craftsbury, VT
Town Facts: Granted to Ebenezer Crafts in 1791 First called Minden, then changed in 1790 to Craftsbury to honor...
Coventry, VT
Town Facts: Charter granted: to Maj. Elias Buel and 59 others First settlers: Samuel Cobb and son Tisdale Cobb, 1800 First public roads:...
Charleston, VT
Town Facts: First grant of land: 1780 Chartered: 1780, to Hon. Abraham Whipple, his shipmates and others. First survey: 1794 First...