Student Romances

Letter from Jas. W. Strong, Aug. 23, 1888, Of course there were then, as now, among students, frequent love affairs. Mrs. William H. Wallace… was the second daughter of Hon. Geo. C. West of...

Student Views on Twilight

Letter from C. F. Remick, Aug. 20, 1888 The academy and its grounds were the pride of my boyhood and they still linger in my memory. Then I thought them the most interesting of anything on earth and...


Letter from by C. F. Remick, Aug. 20, 1888 "I remember well… the stone boarding house… where I used to peddle apples from our ‘honeysweet’ tree, at 10 cents a bushel when I couldn’t get more; and if...

Orleans County Grammar School Trustees

This is a list of men who served as trustees or a member of a committee for the Orleans County Grammar School in its earlier years. The names are organized by last name, and include the years and...