Tomatoes from the Old Stone House Museum Giving Garden.
For our eighth Twilight Tidbit, we bring you a brief quote from Alexander Twilight on the special character of New England, part of a sermon he delivered on April 8, 1853. When you look at our beautiful grounds and the bounty of our gardens, you might have trouble understanding how anyone could say New England is inferior in soil and climate. For many, the rocky soil and long winters made New England an undesirable place to live. But Alexander Twilight, like many other New Englanders, recognized the special character of this place and its people. Stay tuned next week for our next Tidbit from the life and times of Mr. Twilight.
“But what is New England compared to other portions of the Union? She is younger than some portion, inferior in soil and climate, but her love of Sanctuary and worship of Almighty God in spirit and in truth, her ardent love of liberty and freedom of action has given her a high place in a nation’s influence, and a power which will be felt as long as Plymouth Rock will be remembered.” —Alexander Twilight

Fields and rainbows at the Old Stone House Museum.
New England is a relatively new geographical term, as are names like Plymouth Rock. Perhaps today we ought to re-interpret Twilight’s words to acknowledge that while the term is young, this land is old, and that people of special character have lived here for many thousands of years. It has always been a special place, and we expect it to remain a special place for many years to come.
The images are of the rewards of soil and climate here in the Historic Brownington Village. Stay tuned next week for our next Tidbit from the life and times of Mr. Twilight.