This week’s Twilight Tidbit brings you another peek at the sermons of Alexander Twilight. This sermon was delivered on August 7, 1853 at Barton Landing (as the town of Orleans was once called). In it, Mr. Twilight addresses what all people have in common and the peculiarities that make each of us unique. Stay tuned next week for our next Tidbit from the life and times of Mr. Twilight.

Here’s a map of the area from 1859. If you look closely, you’ll see Barton Landing labeled in the upper corner of Barton. (Click image to enlarge.) © Library of Congress
“Though all men are alike in general, yet their peculiarities often differ very widely. Some men are very changeable in their feelings and seem to be much at the control of circumstances, and what might reasonably be expected of them cannot at all times be obtained. At one time they are gloomy and despondent, and everything seems to them almost or quite insurmountable. To urge such to deeds of benevolence or charity at such times, would be vain and worse than useless. The dark side of the picture is now before them and they are poor and you would almost think that they were bankrupt or on the eve of bankruptcy.
“We are not to denounce them and put them down as heartless and want of benevolent feelings or a desire to do good. We should consider their case, and view them when their feelings flow in more lively channels, and their anticipations more brilliant. All may be good men, but owing to some natural defect in their organization or great difference in their education, they are as far apart in many particulars as the east is from the west, and these differences should be duly considered in making our estimates of men’s real moral work, and we shall find a far greater difference than we ever anticipated.”