“One of the best places in Vermont,” built by Alexander Twilight.
This week’s Twilight Tidbit comes from our community members. A few weeks ago, Associate Director of Collections Mahala Nyberg facilitated a community conversation on the legacy of Alexander Twilight. She asked, “How does Alexander Twilight inspire you?” “Why is it important to preserve the history of Alexander Twilight?” and “What can you learn from Alexander Twilight’s life and story today?” Each response was unique, yet a consensus emerged that Alexander Twilight was a passionate and resourceful individual from whom we have much to learn. If you would like to share your own perspective on his legacy, you can still write to us.
Read the highlights and then check out the online presentation below. Then stay tuned next week for our next Tidbit from the life and times of Mr. Twilight.
How does Alexander Twilight inspire you?
“He started as a farmhand and ended building a school to help many.”
“He had no shortage of energy when it came to learning.”
Why is it important to preserve history about Alexander Twilight?
“I think it’s important because Alexander Twilight has built one of the best places in Vermont.”
“I think it is important to preserve his messages about gratitude and compassion for others, as well as that there are diverse people in this country who make great contributions to society.”
What can you learn from Alexander Twilight’s life and story today?
“His story is one of many of those who came to this country and added to the experiment of democracy regardless of their demographic background or identity.”
“Alexander knew what was right and fought to get where he was, and today we can do the same to come to a place in society of equality and justice.”