The welcome kiosk that sits at the start of the Twilight Education Trail that will open officially on Monday, September 21.
Our tenth Twilight Tidbit looks ahead to our celebration for the upcoming Alexander Twilight Birthday Celebration Week we will be hosting starting next week. We are especially excited for the grand opening of our new trail, the Twilight Education Trail, on Monday, September 21. The interpretive trail emphasizes experiential, place-based learning about natural and cultural history, in keeping with Alexander Twilight’s legacy. He was a forward-thinking educator who emphasized learning through experience and experimentation. Here is a sneak peek at one of our first interpretive signs, which details why the trail is invaluable to carrying on his legacy. Stay tuned next week for our next Tidbit from the life and times of Mr. Twilight.
“Alexander Lucius Twilight taught here in Brownington at the Orleans County Grammar school for 20 years of his career. He was an open-minded and forward-thinking educator, beloved by his students. Mr. Twilight emphasized the study of the natural world in his curriculum and taught courses in geology, astronomy and natural sciences. He was also a founding member of the Orleans County Natural and Civil History Society, which formed in 1853 and later became the Orleans County Historical Society.
“As you walk the trail, take time to notice your environment and learn from the natural world around you. The trail serves as a physical representation of Mr. Twilight’s curriculum and teaching philosophy, carrying on his legacy as an educator.”